The Municipality of S. Ferdinando di Puglia has ordered a ban on road traffic in some of the city's arterial roads. Therefore,
- Tuesday 30 May 2023, from 18:00 and until the end of the service;
- Wednesday 31 May 2023, from 8:00 and until the end of the service,
buses in public transport service will temporarily follow the following itineraries:
Via Cerignola – Via Roma (optional stop in front of street numbers 78/80, at the corner with Via Labadessa) – Via Barletta (optional stop in front of street number 6) – Via degli Ulivi (stop near the LIDL supermarket).
Via degli Ulivi (stop in front of the LIDL supermarket) – Via Barletta – P.zza Generale dalla Chiesa (optional stop) – Via Roma (optional stop in front of house number 44) – Via Cerignola – S.S. 16 towards Cerignola.
During the periods of validity of this Notice, the stops on Via San Cassano, Via Papa Giovanni XXIII and Via Nazionale are temporarily closed.