All services are carried out with compulsory and free seat reservations even in the case of services performed in collaboration with partner carriers. Passengers without tickets are not allowed. Travel tickets must be nominative.
Travel tickets must be purchased at one of the authorized sales outlets. They can also be purchased online on the website
The traveler who buys the ticket is admitted on board also with only the unique title code combined with the name.
The passenger is entitled to the transport service only if in possession of a valid travel document for the route, the date and time of departure indicated. Variations in places of ascent and / or descent or inversions of the route are not allowed. The passenger is therefore not entitled to a transport service other than that indicated on the travel document.
All buses are equipped with an external LED indicator that informs passengers about the destination of each single journey.
The issue of the invoice for the purchase of the travel ticket is allowed, provided that the request is submitted on the day of purchase / issue, by email, at, accompanied by a copy of the ticket itself indicating the unique code or the pec reference for electronic invoice.
The list of points of sale is available on the website
Information on changes in the service
The Company does not assume responsibility if for reasons of force majeure (in an exemplifying and non-exhaustive way: adverse weather conditions, serious natural disasters, imperviousness of the roads, traffic, controls and / or provisions of the Authority) there are changes in the timetable or the interruption or cancellation in whole or in part of a race.
Information on planned interruptions or changes or events that have occurred due to force majeure will be guaranteed with the widest timeliness and widest possible dissemination (notices on board the vehicles, at the stations, on the website, information office, sms, social, mail ).
Regularization during travel
The customer who, at the time of the checks, is found to have no travel ticket or in possession of a non-regulatory or non-compliant travel ticket for the route or fare not due, without prejudice to the availability of seats, in addition to the single travel ticket ordinary for the section concerned or the difference in price between the ordinary single journey and the price already paid, will be further subject to the payment of a surcharge. In all other cases, the journey cannot continue.
The customer in possession of counterfeit travel documents, in addition to the sanction provided, is liable to report to the competent judicial authority.
Services for passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility
Not all bus lines of national interest are equipped with a device for access by passengers with reduced mobility. However, the Company undertakes to implement all possible initiatives in order to facilitate their accessibility, without prejudice to compliance with the necessary concretely achievable safety conditions.
Passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility who can independently get on or off the bus or passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility traveling with the courier will always be guaranteed transportation. Only folding wheelchairs can be stored in the trunk of the bus.
Three buses are also in service, equipped with facilitated access devices as well as parking places for wheelchairs. In order to guarantee its use, the traveler concerned must ask by fax to the number 0039 0881.587294 or by email to, at least 48 hours before the scheduled departure, the availability of the bus with the aforementioned device.
Transport of children
Children from 0 to 10 years are entitled to a discount on the ordinary adult rate. Who accompanies the children is responsible for them for the entire duration of the trip. Travelers between 0 and 14 must travel with an adult.
Transport of animals
The passenger can bring small pets with him, provided they are placed in the appropriate carriers, upon purchase of a travel document, so as not to disturb the other passengers.
The transported animal does not occupy the seat, which remains available to the owner. Guide dogs for the blind can travel for free.
Transportation of things - Lost property
The traveler, at his own care and responsibility, is entitled to a free baggage allowance for the transport of a small size hand baggage (max 40x30x15 cm) and weighing no more than 5 kg to be placed inside the bus in the special compartments .
The traveler also has the right to free transport, placing it at his own expense, in the hold of an additional baggage (hermetically closed) with a maximum size of 80x50x30 cm and weighing no more than 20 kg. The baggage must contain a special label, to be handled by the passenger , indicating all the references (name, address and telephone number) of the same, in addition to the date and route of the trip.
In all other cases, as long as the trunk allows it, it is required to purchase a ticket for each piece of luggage. The "additional baggage" rate is applied on board only by the operator (driver).
The transport of liquids, precious, fragile and / or excessively bulky or dangerous objects is absolutely not allowed. It is also forbidden to store money, valuables cards, notebooks, mobile phones, valuables and similar items in hold baggage.
In the event of violation of these provisions found at the time of departure, the Company may legitimately refuse transport, without any refund.
The Company reserves the right to ask the traveler for compensation for damages caused, by his baggage and his behavior, to the corporate assets and / or third parties.
The Company is not responsible for theft, tampering, dispersions, deterioration or loss of objects and baggage not delivered and transported free of charge.
The carrier, according to the provisions of the law in force, is responsible for the loss and damage of the baggage that was delivered hermetically sealed within the maximum limit of € 6.20 per kilogram (for a maximum of 20 kg) or the greater figure resulting from the passenger's declaration of value and accepted by the carrier at the time of departure, if it does not prove that the loss or damage has arisen from a cause not attributable to him.
For undelivered baggage and objects, if transported not free of charge, the Company is not responsible for the loss or damage unless the passenger proves that it was caused by a cause attributable to the carrier itself. In any case, the right to compensation or indemnity for the value of the contents of the undelivered baggage is excluded, both in the case of transport for free or for consideration.
There is no automatic compensation or indemnity. The passenger - within the framework of the aforementioned regulation and within the limits specified therein - will be entitled to compensation only for damages that are proven.
There is also compensation (equal to the cost of repair or replacement) in the event of loss or damage to mobility equipment (wheelchairs and other assistance devices) attributable to the carrier.
If necessary, the carrier shall use its best endeavors to temporarily replace the lost or damaged or damaged mobility equipment. In the event of loss, loss or damage found in the transport of baggage, the passenger, under penalty of inadmissibility, must immediately notify the on-board personnel of the incident upon arrival at the destination stop and within three days circumscribe the events by writing at Ferrovie del Gargano - Via San Severo n.96 - 71121 Foggia or, by email, to
The lost objects found on board the company buses will be kept in accordance with articles 927 and ss. of the Civil Code.
Change of departure date / time
Change of departure date or time is allowed for all types of tickets provided which the request is made at least 2 hours before the scheduled departure time, during the opening hours to the public, at any agency and / or affiliated store or through the area reserved for registered customers, upon payment of a penalty for expenses which will take into account the tariff recalculation that may have occurred.
Reimbursement for the traveller's own fact is allowed provided that the request is made, at least 2 hours before the scheduled departure time, during the opening hours to the public, at the agency and / or store that issued the ticket travel.
The sum to be refunded will be 70% of the price paid, upon return of the original travel document. As a rule, it occurs with the release of a bonus.
For tickets issued with promotional rates, a refund is not allowed.
Refunds are not allowed for tickets purchased online.
For failure to carry out the trip for facts attributable to the Ferrovie del Gargano, the customer must send a written request for a refund or replacement accompanied by the original travel document within 30 days. from the occurrence of the event:
• to the email address;
• by post to Ferrovie del Gargano - San Severo Street n.96 - 71121 Foggia.
Compensation and assistance in case of accident
During the transport service, passengers are entitled to compensation for death, personal injury and for the loss or damage of baggage due to an accident resulting from the use of buses. For the conditions and the amount of compensation, please refer to the applicable national legislation and to the EU Regulation n.181 / 2011. There is no automatic compensation or indemnity. The passenger - within the framework of the aforementioned legislation and within the limits provided therein - will be entitled to compensation only for damages that are proven.
Pursuant to EU Regulation No. 181/2011, following an accident resulting from the use of buses, the carrier provides reasonable and proportionate assistance for the immediate practical needs of the passenger following the accident itself. This assistance includes, where necessary, accommodation, food, clothing, transport and the facilitation of the first assistance. The assistance provided does not constitute recognition of responsibility.
Passenger's rights in case of cancellation or delay
In the case of services equal to or greater than 250 km, pursuant to EU Regulation n.181 / 2011, the carrier:
1. If reasonably foresees that the regular service is subject to a cancellation or a delay at the departure from the terminus for more than one hundred and twenty minutes, he offers the passenger the choice between:
a) the continuation or re-routing to the final destination, without additional charges and on similar conditions as indicated on the ticket, as soon as possible;
b) reimbursement of the ticket price and, where appropriate, free return by bus to the first point of departure as indicated on the ticket, as soon as possible.
2. If the carrier is unable to offer the passenger the choice mentioned above, the passenger has the right to make himself payed an amount equal to 50% of the ticket price, in addition to the refund foreseen in the previous chapter. The refund and / or indemnity will be paid within one month from the submission of the application.
3. When the bus becomes unusable during the journey, the carrier ensures either the continuation of the service with another vehicle from the place where the unusable vehicle is located or the transport from the place where the unusable vehicle is located to a suitable point of waiting and / or station from which the journey can continue.
4. When a regular service is canceled or delayed for more than 120 minutes from the stop, passengers are entitled to the continuation, re-routing or reimbursement of the ticket price by Ferrovie del Gargano, as specified in the previous point 1).
The reimbursement and / or compensation referred to in point 1. b) and point 4. occurs within fourteen days of receipt of the application.
The refund can be replaced, if the passenger accepts, by a bonus of the same amount to be reused.