The EU requires Railway Companies to acquire the Safety Authorization issued by the National Agency for Railway Safety which certifies the possession of the requirements necessary for the management of train traffic. Each Railway Company must have a Risk Assessment document and the Safety Management System. Ferrovie del Gargano, having acquired the aforementioned authorization, operates in accordance with the principles set out in the European Directives and Regulations which impose, among the various safety requirements, the surveillance of the headquarters in the 30 m buffer zone. A sort of protection against illegal building.
The service contract signed with the Puglia Region, which regulates the technical and economic aspects of the maintenance, does not include interventions and works for the resolution of the complex problems connected to the external risks identified as hydraulic-hydrogeological-geomorphological risk, treated in the context of defense of the territory and civil protection. In particular, Ferrovie del Gargano has produced with its own resources and delivered to the interested Bodies a report with the relative planning of the works for the resolution of the criticalities which, considering the nature of the same, do not specifically concern only the railway but entire slopes therefore civil districts and accommodating structures.
While wainting for funding, therefore for the realization of the defense works to take place, the Railway Company must have emergency plans to be implemented at the same time as the issue of the weather alert bulletin which provides for prevention activities through the surveillance of the headquarters and, appropriate justified , limitations to the movement of trains which, although they create inconvenience to users, are necessary for the protection of public safety as occurred in recent days.
Finally, as regards the services performed and the development / modernization plans of the railway, it is necessary to refer to the regional planning documents - Transport Plan - Implementation Plan - Service Plan drawn up and approved in compliance with the regulatory standards for public services.