Also Ferrovie del Gargano signed in Florence the Declaration for the culture of railway safety in Europe within the Conference "Culture of safety - Comparing railway models and experiences" organized by the National Agency for Railway Safety (ANSF) in collaboration with the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA). In addition to FerGargano, the document was signed by other 32 railway operators.
The Declaration, proposed by the ERA, has the objective of uniting and compacting the most important European railway players in promoting a positive safety culture within the sector. "We are very impressed by the wide participation of railway operators and convinced that the diffusion of a good safety culture is fundamental also in the railway sector - said Dr. Marco D’Onofrio in this regard., Director of the ANSF -. Following the example of air transport and health, the culture of safety points primarily at the human element, strengthening the effects and the ability to react of the whole system in a collective commitment ».
These are the most important principles expressed in the Declaration:
* security is the main driving force of the efficiency and reliability of railway services. In the event of a conflict between different company objectives, security must not be compromised.
* Organizations will promote security, communication and the principles of a culture of trust and not punitive, among managers, employees and other parties, including contractors and suppliers of goods and services.
* Organizations are responsible for encouraging good behavior and providing the appropriate environment to enable to work safely, including job planning, the provision of tools, training and procedures.
*In the event of accidents or dangerous situations, the investigations and analysis of the events must focus first of all on the performance of the system, on the conditions and factors that influence work practices, rather than on the attribution of blame or individual responsibility.
A path that Ferrovie del Gargano joined during the convention in Tuscany. «A path that we share and that we will support - comments Dr. Vincenzo Germano Scarcia, President of Ferrovie del Gargano - to better implement these principles, which we believe are vitally important to continue to increase safety levels. Our company has always been careful to these needs by collecting information and applying relevant regulations. Our two railway lines are managed with every necessary resource in maintenance terms to guarantee the best quality standards and safe circulation. Similar attention is paid to the maintenance of the railway vehicles. In both contexts, Ferrovie del Gargano is surely convinced that, now but especially in the future, a decisive fundamental role will be played by the ability to invest in "human resources", involving every single employee in the culture of safety, to be considered unique prerequisite for any type of activity. This idea can be significantly summarized in a simple sentence: safer is better. A path that we share with the ANSF, a reference point for our activity both as a Railway Company, engaged in Passenger Transport, and as Manager of its own Network. And with these assumptions we will implement the provisions of the Declaration ».
Together with Ferrovie del Gargano they signed the document: Arriva Italia Rail, Italcertifer Spa, Ferrovie del Sud Est, CFI Italian Railway Company, Territorial Systems, GTT (infrastructure), GTT (transport), Ente Autonomo Volturno (GI), Autonomo Volturno (IF), GTS Rail, La Ferroviaria Italiana, Tuscan Railway Transport, Cargo RailItaly, Ferrovie Emilia Romagna, Ferrovie Nord, MercitaliaRail, For.Fer, SO.G.RA.F, CSF national transport and logistics school, Hupac, Azienda Mobilità and Transport Genoa, SAT local transport, Trenord, Dinazzano Po, DBCargo Italy, Ferrotranviaria, TUA, Sbb Cargo Italy, Trenitalia, RFI, Adriafer, Tx Logistics AG.