The undersigned expresses his own free and informed consent for the processing of his data by the Ferrovie del Gargano S.r.l., for the purposes and with the methods described in the informative note of which he declares to have taken note.
The user of this form must in any case indicate, in addition to his personal details and address with a copy of the identification document, all the elements necessary for the purpose of identifying the circumstances that led to the disservice or corporate breach that are the subject of the request. Under penalty of forfeiture, the user must also attach a copy of the ticket or pass. Ferrovie del Gargano reserves the right to request, subsequently, the original of the travel document.
In case of non-acceptance of the application, a second-instance complaint may be lodged to the Transport Regulation Authority - Nizza Street n. 230 - 10126 Torino.
We kindly ask our customers to use the appropriate form; any emails sent from the wrong sections will not be handled by our offices.